Thursday, March 3, 2011

Change of weather

The day has just got hotter. Finally fans have started to run. But still nights are expected to remain colder. This time in particular when the two seasons are on respective borders, is quite dangerous as far as health is concerned. The hot and humid days will prompt you to sip chilled water which will have an adverse affect later. At most fans at low speed should run only when it is quite unbearable.
Those not having a good immunity are more vulnerable to illness. It’s nothing to fear about. But yes, the care must be exercised to avoid any bad time ahead of festivals like Holi which is falling on third weekend of March 2011.
The summer which is all set to settle, has a very moderate effect on the city ambience given the fact that Udaipur is densely surrounded by mountains and has several lakes to keep the atmosphere tranquilized.